What is Salvation?
Sin is a transgression of God’s law. It is not inherited (Ezekiel 18:20). Sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59:1-2) because God is holy. Sin is a problem in all people (Romans 3:23). God has provided an avenue to be freed from the consequences of sin: His Son (Romans 6:23).
All people can find freedom from sin in Jesus (Romans 8:1-4). Through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, all people's sins have been atoned for (1 John 2:2). This freedom from sin through Christ is called salvation.
In the Bible, we see several necessary steps to follow God’s plan of salvation. One must:
Hear the Word of God – (Romans 10:17)
Believe in Jesus – (John 3:16-17)
Repent from sin – (Luke 13:3)
Confess – (Matthew 10:32-33)
Be Baptized for the forgiveness of sins – (Acts 2:38; 1 Peter 3:21)
Live a faithfully– (Revelation 2:10)